ImaHima Neeraj Jhanji interviewed on ITV Japan (October, 2007)
Neeraj Jhanji is the founder and CEO of ImaHima, which launched one of the world’s first mobile location-based community in 1999. Since then he has launched several other mobile and internet businesses in Japan including mobile AOL instant messenger, Habbo Hotel Japan, Atlassian Japan (enterprise collaboration software) and most recently PayMe (global konbini gateway), growing ...
imaHima Neeraj Jhanji on Wireless Watch Japan (September 24, 2004)
Wireless Watch Japan interviews Neeraj Jhanji founder of imaHima about Habbo Hotel Japan at the Tokyo Game Show September 24, 2004.
imaHima at Prix Ars Electronica Cyberarts (September 3, 2001)
imaHima is a Golden Nica nominee under “Net Vision” category at Prix Ars Electronica Cyberarts competition 2001 in Linz, Austria for its unique mobile, location-based social networking service. (segment starts at 2:25) (in German)
imaHima on CNN (May 15, 2001)
CNN interviews Neeraj Jhanji of imaHima about his mobile, location-based, social networking service (aired on CNN May 15, 2001).
imaHima on BBC (April 2001)
BBC interviews Neeraj Jhanji of imaHima about his mobile, location-based, social networking service (aired on BBC in April 2001).